Günzel Drilling Commitment
Sustainability and Safety

Günzel Drilling is committed to sustainably providing quality core drilling services of international standards.
We maintain a fully integrated management system with occupational health and safety, sustainable operations, environmental responsibility and community upliftment underlying company policies and procedures.
The company knows that awareness and acceptance of the company ideology cannot be restricted to the drill platform if the management system is to be successful. Thus we reach beyond drilling operations into our everyday activities so that safe working behaviour and sustainable work practices become second nature to the entire crew.
Maintaining and continuously improving our management system requires methodical training and education.
For this we have adopted several methods:
of the crew
With the IMS firmly engrained in our company culture, it is
essential that initiatives and
continuous controls are handled directly by the crew.
This encompasses occupational safety, environmental awareness and
sustainable operating behaviour.
Taking the time to talk and listen
Often it is the brief informal chat next to the rig at start
of shift concerning health, safety, the environment, operational quality, or life choices in general that has the greatest influence on
acceptance of the management system.
Audits are a crucial instrument for assessing the condition and efficacy of the IMS and for openly disclosing discrepancies. Such routine audits demonstrably foster a
culture of willingly raising concerns rather than viewing them as a platform for criticism and power plays.
Community Upliftment
From the outset, it was
the distinct intent of Günzel Drilling to be a good corporate citizen.
As part of this resolve, the company continues to contribute to the betterment of its fellow man, both financially and through direct action.